Sunday, November 20, 2011

Are there laws about naming your child obscene words?

eg. if i wanted to name my child penis (which i dont) would i be allowed to?

Are there laws about naming your child obscene words?
There ARE laws against that. You cannot register a child with an obscene name with the US government. He/she will not be issued a passport, SSN, or any other legal documentation.

The government will, and has, make people that stupid change their child's name.
Reply:Yeah, but you can often get away with it.

The 10 Most Obscene Names In Sports History

#10 Dudu, Kaka, and Dunga

On their own, these two players and the coach of the Brazilian National soccer team seem like a 3rd grader's euphemisms for poop. But together, they somehow combine into one massive, sexy, scatological mega-joke.

# 9 Ron Tugnutt

Slapping the monkey, choking the chicken, jerkin' the gherkin, beating off, polishing the family jewels, shining the pork sword... and now: Tugging a nut.

# 8 Chubby Cox

Why not just name your child "Chodes?" Despite having not just a funny name, but an insulting one, Cox is seriously well connected. In addition to going to High School two blocks from my own house, his brother-on-law, Joe "Jellybean" Bryant, played in the NBA, and so does Joe's son. Some guy named Kobe.

# 7 Dick Trickle

Erectile Dysfunction/Incontinence + NASCAR Rednecks = Comedy.

# 6 Dean Windass

Poop names are easy (Danny Shittu), but a good fart name, like a fine '88 Merlot, must be savored. Combine a humorous name with a violent soccer thug, and you've got a winning formula.

# 5 Otto Pfister

German soccer manager, or insane sexual contraption? You be the judge. (It's the soccer manager, though)

# 4 Randy Johnson

Normal enough to pass under the radar, Randy Johnson is the alternate moniker of several adult film stars, as is the bird-murdering pitcher's nickname: "The Big Unit."

# 3 Misty Hyman

I can't decide whether her name is an STD symptom, or a porno alias, but an Olympic gold medal sure seems like a good comeback to everyone who made her cut herself in Junior High.

# 2 Dick Butkus

With all do respect to the Windy City Legend, he'd be on here even if his name wasn't Dick. Butt-kiss does fine all on it's own. But the addition of "Dick" to an already hilarious name pushes "The most feared man in the game" into the top.

# 1 Rusty Kuntz

Is there really any debate?
Reply:I am not completely sure about the United States, but I know there are laws like this in other countries. I think it is France? that has a list of names that you are only allowed to choose from to name your baby.
Reply:Why would anyone want to do such a thing? Give your child a burden for the rest of there lives. I do not think that there are any laws against it but tell me what made you think of such a thing?
Reply:"There is no law against naming your child anything, however if you want your child to be socially accepted and not ridiculed you had better think about an acceptable title for him or her.

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