Sunday, November 20, 2011

Why to black parents make it harder for their kids by naming them with black-sounding names?

Names like Shantelle and Latrell and Ray Ray won't get you very far life...why do blacks do this to themselves?

Why to black parents make it harder for their kids by naming them with black-sounding names?
i think the colour of their skin would show more about their ethnicity then their name. if you call a black girl elizabeth it doesnt mean she turns white!
Reply:I don't see why it would make their lives harder. Only racist people would have a problem with an ethnic sounding name.

My white son has a Hawaiian name, never stopped him.
Reply:Jethro, is that you ?
Reply:Well Billy Bob Bubba I think that goes on the white side as well. Billy Sue Tommy Ray come on dont you have something else to do with your time really. Black people name their children names that they love and give them a sense of uniqueness and so do all the stars if you look and its the white people that do it. Come on wake up ..this is lame..Johnboy.
Reply:So than we should name them Becky Sue and Mary Elizabeth so that you can be more comfortable with it? Instead of getting on their case for what they decide to name their child (which is whatever the heck they want because that is their right) why don't you try being a little more open-minded?
Reply:its not the names that is the problem but the people who hear the names and make negative assumptions about them

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