Sunday, November 20, 2011

Who was responsible for naming the earth?

The Romans named every planet but earth which was already named so my question is who named earth?

Who was responsible for naming the earth?
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the earth was without form"


... I am going to take a stab in the dark on this one lol and say God?


whatchoo doing up boy?
Reply:Earth was not already named. Earth is "terra" in Latin. You should do some historical research on the classical "elements" of the Greeks and Romans; Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. Wiccans add Spirit to the "basic" elements.
Reply:"Earth is (beside Sedna) the only planet in the solar system, whose name is not derived from the Greek or Roman mythology, the origin of the now used form of naming comes from the Anglo-Saxon word Erda (Erdaz), which means ground, soil, and Earth, the word changed to Eorthe or Erthe in Old English and to Erde in German."
Reply:Not God. The Bible was writtten after the ancient Romans came up with names for the planet.

This is debatable. We have evidence that the Incas, the Ancient Greeks, Ancient Mesopotamians and Ancient Egyptians all understood we were a planet among others. So it could have been any of them.

The thing is a lot of people before them may have had an idea that we were on a planet and named it, they may not have left us a written record however.
Reply:Well, Earth once meant and still can mean "land", so, naturally, when people found out that we lived on a planet, they called it Earth.

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