Sunday, November 20, 2011

How long can you go without naming a newborn child?

They won't let you leave the hospital without a name.

How long can you go without naming a newborn child?
Actually, it really depends on the hospital the mother gives birth in.

My neighbor when 1 week without naming her child and they released the child without a name.

I'm sure that you will be able to pick one once you see the baby.It is easier to actually see the being you are naming in order to put a name to the face.
Reply:When I had my son we couldn't agree on a name. The day before we were scheduled to leave the hospital they told me I had to name him. We joked about him being John Doe for three days (I had a c-section) so we named him John! I was able to go three days because of the c-section, but with a natural birth, you leave the hospital the next day, so you would only have 24 hours.
Reply:I think it depends on the hospital, but where I delivered my baby, we had to have a name before leaving the hospital. They prepare the birth certificate for you and deal with social security, so they won't let you leave before you give them the info they need to finish with your paperwork.
Reply:depends on the state. in california you can i believe go a week, but i'm not sure. contact the hospital you'll be delivering at and ask them. or possibly the SSA
Reply:yea you must have there name ready b4 you leave...dont worry it took me untill i was actually laying in the bed in labor to finally make my decision
Reply:You have to have one before you are allowed to take your child out of the hospital
Reply:Well you got 9 months to think about it.

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