Thursday, August 19, 2010

Why would anyone support a campaign by naming their children after the Nominees?

What is your opinion on this?

Would you ever name your child after a nominee.

I don't care if I am deeply enthused by a politician's campaign -- I would never humiliate my children like that. Ever.

Why would anyone support a campaign by naming their children after the Nominees?
Never. That's absurd!
Reply:Never say Never.

When President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, many people name their sons John Fitzgerald. I have worked with many Black people who have their roots in the South. Black families often times named their sons after Presidents. I guess the parents though this kid of name would make their kids stronger. Who knows?
Reply:It's not anyones business. The name is actually pretty (I've always liked the name Sara), but the timing for this name kinda sucks.

However, who cares???
Reply:yea it does sound crazy. Don't judge Sarah Palin just because of crazies like that one.
Reply:Thats better than changing your town name to Obama. - True story look it up.
Reply:No because they have ugly names
Reply:that's worse than the Obama tattoo

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