Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wat are some ways to demonstrate (for speech) the naming of a baby?

I am doing a speech which I thought was just an informative, but actually turned out to be a demonstrative speech. My speech was going to be on how to name a baby. How would I demonstrate something relating to this?

Wat are some ways to demonstrate (for speech) the naming of a baby?
You could have fun with this, actually. Plus, this format makes your speech engage the listener, which will give you big bonus points.

Here's a possible working title for you..."It's All in the Name."

1. Begin with some general information about how people select a name--what's popular, what family members might be commerated by the naming of the baby, regional or religious or ethnic traditions, how the the first name sounds with the last name. (Give some examples--Justin Case, Gus Gander, etc. You can find plenty online.)

2. THEN...

hand out a list of boys' names and girls' names with the meaning of the name given. These are available online as well--easily printed. Have each of your classmates select a NEW name for himself or herself based on the meanings of the names. They need to select a name that represents a physical characteristic or trait, interest, etc. Have them write it on a 3x5 card--the new name along with the definition (meaning).

3. Collect the cards, and have the students try to determine which name goes with which person based on meaning.

If when you look through the list, you don't find enough traits that are representative, make them up based on your experience of someone. For example, if too many of the names mean things like "Former King of Wistonia," then make up your own meanings. But actually, I don't think you will have to do that.

Here are some websites to get you started. (This is a good one because it has a lot of ethnic names, which may be less likely to refer to heritage than, say, traditional Biblical names.

4. Conclude by tying this activity to your title--either by stating or eliciting from your audience that there is much more to a name that just what it sounds like!

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