Monday, July 19, 2010

What are your thoughts on a German frozen food company naming their chicken fingers after Obama?

The company said they didn't know it could be percieved as racist my Americans what do you think?

What are your thoughts on a German frozen food company naming their chicken fingers after Obama?
I think it's funny. The company was thinking it would cash in on sales revenue and is met with political incorrectness. Very funny.
Reply:It would never even occur to them, you know how it is when you try so hard and the opposite happens..

Most Americans don't even know that it comes from generations of slaves finally being able to have chicken just like masters instead of the equivalent of what we now give dogs and cats and the ecstasy of being allowed one of the million watermelons you've picked all day in 100F.
Reply:I think that is nothing of importance with respect to the issue of racism.

It was not a smart marketing move, however.

Essentially they said they were tryiing to cash in on the Obama mania that is going on right now.

It is clear that their marketing people do not know what they are doing.
Reply:Or maybe it's just to be flattering, but just wasn't thought through. Marketers, including those in charge of brand naming, sometimes don't understand other societies prejudices and stereotypes.
Reply:I didnt know chicken fingers are racist. Now if the named there malt liquor or new watermelon hybrid after him, they might have a case.
Reply:It's silly. I can remember when the flop president Carter's brother came out with "Billy" beer. Didn't last though, just like those chicken fingers,
Reply:If Germany printed food stamps with Obama's picture on them, that might be construed as a wee bit racist.
Reply:are they sending them over here to roost? wright would like that.......but to be honest, just don't name those chickens Lincoln cause then Obama will have a real fit.
Reply:I doubt they got it, really. Do you know the number "88" looks bad to Germans? No? There you go.

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